A wallet (electronic wallet) allows a buyer to store several payment cards and to choose which one to use when making a purchase, without having to enter the card number.
The bank details are stored by the payment gateway, with regard to the rules enforced by the GDPR (= General Data Protection Regulation).
IMPORTANT: Make sure that you have correctly configured the REST API before you begin. This configuration is described in the chapter Quick module configuration > Integrating the embedded form of the documentation.
In order to integrate the buyer wallet:
- Sign into your Magento Back Office.
- Go to System > Configuration.
- Click on SALES > Payment methods..
- Click on Scellius - Standard payment.
- Search for the Entry mode for payment method data parameter and select the modes below:
- Payment fields embedded on the merchant website (REST API).
- Smartform embedded on the merchant website (REST API).
- Extended Smartform embedded on merchant website with logos (API REST).
- Extended Smartform embedded on merchant website without logos (API REST).
- If you have not yet enabled payment by token, modify the parameter Payment by token.
- Save your changes.