The merchant must:
- Sign up for the Scellius offer that includes the “risk assessment” option.
- Configure an informational control according to one of the criteria available in their Scellius Back Office.
When a transaction triggers informational control, the order status changes to Suspected Fraud.

To avoid alerting the buyers, the order status displayed on the front end side will be "Processing".
In the order details view, the merchant can accept or reject the payment:

Accept the payment
The order status changes to Processing.
We recommend merchants to perform this action only if the transaction status is Waiting for capture.
If the transaction has not yet been validated by the bank (in case of deferred payment - the transaction status is Waiting for authorization), the merchant must not update the order status.
Refuse the payment
The order status changes to Canceled.
A message indicates to the merchant that he or she must cancel the payment via the Scellius Back Office.